International mobility for lecturers/researchers

The University of Lille Staff can, under conditions, go abroad to teach or undertake a training mobility in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

Teaching abroad with Erasmus+

As a University of Lille lecturer, you can carry out your teaching mobility in Europe, in an institution holder of the Erasmus+ Charter and with which an exchange agreement (Erasmus+) has been concluded.

The aim is to provide courses, generally of short duration, integrated into the official programme of the partner institution.

The International Mobility Department oversees the interinstitutional agreement, examines the mobility forms and manages the financial support.

Two calls for applications are launched each year: the first one at the beginning of the academic year and the second one in December.

More information on the Intranet (under construction)

Bilateral agreements

The University of Lille signed bilateral cooperation agreements with institutions from outside the European Union allowing exchanges for of lecturers and researchers.

  • Contact your correspondent in the partner university, sending your resume, your research project and a schedule of your mobility.