Changing cultures, societies, practices
Changing Cultures, Societies, Practices
An academic environment that includes:
16 master’s programmes
3 doctoral schools
The "Changing Cultures, Societies & Practices" graduate programme is a multidisciplinary higher education initiative in the humanities and social science, at both master’s and doctoral levels.
This cutting-edge course, open to students from around the world and with a focus on research, draws on the skills and knowledge of the humanities and social science to develop a better understanding of the global shift taking place in contemporary societies.
Various initiatives have been put in place to encourage students to develop an approach to the current historical, cultural and institutional changes in a way that allows them to understand the creative dynamics of change which can manifest in organizational methods marked by innovation, in both individual and collective resilient practices, and in novel forms of cultural output.
This Graduate Programme aims to build a stimulating and interdisciplinary intellectual environment for the students to work in. It relies on the crossovers between the existing skills at the University of Lille in the humanities and social science with the aim of developing, in line with the work being done by the CNRS and other research bodies, disciplinary and multidisciplinary studies that can shed light on the objectives and challenges facing the contemporary world, while also interacting with the other I-SITE hubs as part of a comprehensive dynamic to support transition-driven research.
16 Master’s programmes
- Histoires Européenne (mention Histoire)
- Études anglophones (mention Langues et sociétés)
- Métiers de l’archéologie (mention Mondes anciens)
- Histoire, Littérature et Anthropologie des mondes grec et romain (mention Mondes anciens)
- Droit de l’Union européenne (mention Droit international et droit européen)
- Métiers de la recherche en science politique (mention Science politique)
- Villes et Nouvelles Questions Sociales (mention Sociologie)
- Aménagement Culturel et stratégies Territoriales en Europe - ACTEUR (mention Urbanisme et aménagement)
- Études, Recherche et Conseil en Marketing, Consommation et Distribution (mention Commerce et Distribution)
- Conseil, Recherche et Études en Management et Stratégie (mention Management)
- Action publique, institutions et économie sociale et solidaire (Économie et management public)
- Globalization and the World Economy - GLOWE (mention Économie internationale)
- Histoire du droit et des institutions (mention Histoire du droit et des institutions)
- Identités, Integration, Conflits (mention MITRA - Migrations Transnationales)
- Cultural diversity (mention MITRA - Migrations Transnationales)
- Economics of Globalisation and European Integration - EGEI (Etudes européennes et internationales)