Bilateral agreements and university networks (BCI, ISEP, MAUI, AEN, SEMP, REARI-RJ)

Requisite conditions

  • Periods of mobility from 3 to 12 months
  • Departure from 3rd year bachelor’s to doctorate
  • Duration of study trip: 1 to 2 semesters


The University of Lille has signed many bilateral agreements around the world.

It is also part of 5 university networks:

So there is no shortage of opportunities!

Carefully choose the right university

Some partner universities have signed a cooperation agreement in a specific area, so it is important to check on the interactive map if your area of study is included.

Of course, you must also be proficient in the language in which you will be taught. Many universities offer English classes (Asia, Eastern Europe, Brazil), but once again it is up to candidates to check whether classes are available.

To learn about all of the mobility opportunities available, check the map of destinations and agreements with the University of Lille.



International Exchanges

To help you make your choice, you can find all the information about our partner universities on our new International Exchanges website.

On this website you will find:

  • country profiles;
  • information about our partner universities;
  • testimonials from students who have gone on an exchange before you.

Learning agreements/credits

Our non-European partners do not use the ECTS system, but not to worry! Regardless of the host university, there will be an equivalent system to the one used at the University of Lille.

As a general rule, 4 to 6 classes per semester are required to validate a semester at the University of Lille. Check with your international relations coordinators to find out more.



How to apply

Follow the procedures outlined in the section applying for an exchange programme.