MOBLILEX Scholarship

The University of Lille has put in place a mobility grant scheme known as MOB-LIL-EX.

The aim of this scheme is to support projects that achieve a level of excellence through the international mobility of students and young researchers from the University of Lille and partner universities. Application forms can be obtained from the relevant department/faculty/laboratory. The links to contact your component are as follows:

NB: students who can benefit from an Erasmus, Mermoz or AMI grant are not eligible for the MOBLILEX scholarship.

For more information, consult the brochure of the Moblilex scholarship as well as the selection criteria.

You can also send an email to moblilexuniv-lillefr or contact your department/faculty/laboratory for information.

Procedures and timetable of calls for applications


  • Link to the application form obtainable from the relevant department/faculty/laboratory
  • Application forms must be sent to the relevant unit (dates set by departments/doctoral schools)
  • Applications ranked by the department/doctoral school must be sent to the International mobility department
  • Link to the application form obtainable from the relevant department/faculty/laboratory from mid-April
  • Application forms must be sent to the relevant unit (dates set by departments/doctoral schools)
  • Applications ranked by the department/doctoral school must be sent to the International mobility department mid-june
  • Results at the end of June/early July