EU4EU grant scheme

European Universities for the EU

On 25 may 2019, the EU4EU France consortium was accredited by the Erasmus+ France agency as part of key action 108 to grant mobility scholarships for traineeships abroad in the context of European funding and projects.

The consortium comprises 11 French universities: University of Lille (project coordinator), UniLaSalle, University of La Rochelle, University of Tours, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Montaigne, CY Cergiy Paris University, Sciences Po Rennes, Sciences Po Lille, University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour, and University of Caen Normandie.

The aim of the EU4EU France project is to improve the employability of students and maximize their job opportunities by strengthening links with businesses and encouraging interdisciplinary traineeships linked to European funding and projects: European affairs, political science, economics and marketing, communication, etc. 

The initiative gives candidates access to a database of host organizations, Erasmus+ grants to complete their traineeships in one of the programme member states (from €420 to €520) and training materials relating to EU funding/projects.

For more information about the EU4EU project, consult the website