The Maison Internationale and its partners
Since its opening in September 2019, the service offer of the International House has been growing every year with the presence of the different services of the University but also with the precious contribution of its external partners.
Each year, our partners are also present during the Welcome Days organised by the University.
The CROUS International Service
The CROUS international service welcomes foreign students, helps them solve their problems as soon as they arrive in France and facilitates their installation: orientation towards the competent services, accommodation, administrative procedures. The service receives and processes all applications for admission to a university residence for foreign students whose family (father, mother) does not live in France. You will find more information on the CROUS website.
Since 18 June 2020, the CROUS International has integrated the International House. It is present in the premises and receives you by appointment.
Concerning transport, Ilevia and the SNCF Hauts de France will accompany you in the Lille Metropolis.
Livin France
All your administrative procedures on a single platform!
Simplify all your administrative procedures by registering on the Livin France online platform. After registering, this unique platform will allow you to follow and manage all the accounts necessary for everyday life in France.
La Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) et la Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM)
Our partners in housing
In order to help you in your search for accommodation, several partners can assist you. This is the case of the CROUS International, which has integrated our premises, but also of other actors who will certainly be useful to you:
- Studapart and Lokaviz are platforms that offer you different types of accommodation, from a room in the home to a room in a university residence, depending on your preferences. The AFEV Métropole Lilloise also offers other types of accommodation such as the 'Kolocations A Projets Solidaires' project.
- Once you have found your accommodation, having a guarantor is mandatory. The Visale guarantee can help future tenants by providing a guarantor.
- Cautioneo can also be a solution if you do not have a guarantor, more information here.
The House of Médiation
Open to all students and staff of the university, the mediation centre is a place of reception, information and answers to legal and administrative questions. Its mission is to prevent abusive behaviour as well as conflicts, to pacify relations, to raise awareness of the university community on issues such as the promotion of equality, the fight against discrimination and secularism. The House of Mediation is associated with the harassment cells - sexual (CEVIHS) and moral (CESAHM) - and with the mediator (racism and anti-Semitism referent, in charge of discrimination).
The House of Mediation will soon be open for business at the International House, more information to come.
Find all the information on the intranet (students and staff).
The Clinique Juridique de Lille
The Clinique Juridique de Lille is an association, born in 2018 from a student initiative and governed by the law of 1 July 1901.
The main activity is the organisation of appointments with litigants who have a legal question. After working on the cases for at least two weeks, the students provide free legal advice to the litigants, under the supervision of a lawyer from the Lille Bar.
The objective of the CJL is to provide a free legal access service, while training our clinicians in the practice of law.
Live with our partners for Welcome Days 2020
Find the meeting with external partners in the framework of the Welcome Days 2020, were present this day: Ilévia, SNCF, AFEV, CRIJ, CPAM, Crous International, Livin France, Visale, Cautioneo & the CAF.
Discover the student associations
Sport, solidarity, citizenship, culture ... our students get involved and set up innovative projects. Find all the contacts.
Download the directory of associations (pdf - 7.1 Mo)
More information here.