Welcoming colleagues from Cheikh Anta Diop University (Senegal)
From April 22 to April 26, the International Relations Department of the University of Lille welcomed two colleagues from the International Relations Department of the Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) in Dakar, Senegal, for a week of job-shadowing.
An enriching week with UCAD! From the discovery of programs and infrastructures to the management of international mobility and the international agreement circuit, everything was explored. Meetings with the academic and student mobility departments, as well as with the Maison Internationale and the Euraxess Lille Hauts-de-France center, enabled us to discover the many advantages offered to international students. Tools such as Move-On and ULille's many programs (ULillGo, ULillExplore) were presented to facilitate the management and integration of international students. There was also a focus on ULille's international communication strategy.
As part of the double degrees in Applied Mathematics (FST) and Management and International Business (FaSEST), UCAD staff were able to exchange and discuss cooperation with the IR departments of the faculties concerned.
A week rich in knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices! Many thanks to all participants.

Each mobility program follows a specific application procedure. If you are interested in one of these mobility schemes, please contact the international relations department of your faculty/component.
You can find contacts for international relations departments on our dedicated page.
Testimonies to come.
Testimonies to come.
Testimonies to come.
Testimonies to come.