Key Action 171 - ICM

Erasmus+ Project KA171 - ICM

The Key Action 171, more commonly known as the International Credit Mobility (ICM) project, is an action aiming at strengthening cooperation between Erasmus+ Programme countries and partner countries.

Since 2015, the University of Lille has applied to the International Credit Mobility programme every year to support its institutional strategy. With 48 projects obtained with 20 countries, the University of Lille has acquired a solid experience as a project coordinator.

This strategy has several objectives: a development of incoming mobility with financial support, a reinforcement of strategic cooperation and privileged partnerships (Eastern Europe/Caucasus), as well as a structured accompaniment of staff towards the dynamics of the institution internationalization. To this end, the University of Lille mobilises an international network on a daily basis (International Relations units in the components, laboratories and partner universities), which are essential relays for the promotion of international relations.

Teaching and training mobilities contribute to promoting the Erasmus+ programme, the institutions and their training courses, but are also essential for structuring and maintaining partnerships such as double degrees, which have been expanding rapidly at the ULille since 2017 (45 programmes offered). These framed mobilities enable strategic partnerships to be strengthened and to evolve into more elaborate European projects.


Ongoing ICM projects


Total number of projects obtained


Total number of funded mobilities

Types of mobility

  • Student mobility for studies, open to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral candidates. The mobility period can last from 3 months (or one academic term) to 12 months.
  • Student mobility for traineeships, open from call 2018 to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or
    equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral
    candidates. The mobility period can last from 2 to 12 months.
  • Combined mobility, period of traineeship integrated within a period of study, to or from non-associated countries

Within the framework of the MIC project, students will receive a monthly grant and a contribution to travel costs.

ATTENTION: there are mobility restrictions for certain regions/countries.

From 5 days to 2 months, excluding travel:

  • For a teaching activity: to or from a non-associated country
  • For a training activity: to or from a non-associated country, for a period of internship or observation in a higher education institution or other relevant organisation. Eligible activities may also be structured courses and targeted language training
  • For combined mobility: possibility of combining a teaching activity and a training activity during the same period

All of these mobilities (students and staff) can take place in a hybrid format. In this case, they should combine a virtual activity with a physical mobility which may be of short duration (5 to 30 days).

In the framework of the ICM project, teachers and staff will receive a lump sum grant and a contribution to travel costs.

Application procedures

For a study/internship mobility to one of our ICM partner countries, please consult our specific webpage for preparing a mobility outside Europe and contact the international relations department of the faculty in charge of the ICM project you are interested in to find out more about the application possibilities.

For a study/internship mobility to the University of Lille, contact the international relations department of your faculty to be assisted in your application. Learn more about our application procedures at the University of Lille.



For a staff mobility to one of our MIC partner countries, please consult our specific webpage on preparing a staff mobility and contact the international relations department of the faculty dealing with the MIC project you are interested in to find out more about the application possibilities.

For a mobility to the University of Lille, contact the international relations service of your faculty to be accompanied in your steps. Find out more on our webpage dedicated to staff mobility.

ICM project proposal

You are a university or a professor and you would like to set up a ICM project with the University of Lille? Do not hesitate to contact us on micuniv-lillefr to present your project.