Come to the University of Lille on a traineeship

International students (bachelor’s or master’s level only) have the possibility of completing a traineeship at the University of Lille in one of its many structures: laboratories and research units, central administration and its different departments. In the area of healthcare (pharmacy, medicine and dental surgery), traineeships are available at one of our partner hospitals.

Who can apply?

The University of Lille offers traineeships to the following candidates: 

bachelor’s and master’s students
students on courses in medicine, pharmacy and dental surgery (hospital traineeships). These candidates must follow a specific procedure: please contact ri-santeuniv-lillefr 

All students who wish to complete a traineeship (obligatory as part of their curriculum) in France must sign an agreement beforehand. The University of Lille’s traineeship agreement is the only valid document for hosting foreign students, even if the home institute provides its own document. 


Administrative department 

How to apply

As part of an inter-university agreement

If you are from a partner university and would like to complete a traineeship (in a hospital or laboratory) as part of the agreement between the two institutes, please follow the application procedure outlined on this page.

For Erasmus+ traineeships, a “learning agreement for traineeship” must first be drawn up and signed by your home university and the host structure.

On an individual basis 

Step 1: Send your application directly to the structure of your choice: laboratories and research units, central administration or departments (see University organization chart).
Prepare a CV and an application letter.
Step 2: If your application is accepted, you will have to draw up a traineeship agreement with your host structure. This is mandatory for your stay at the University of Lille.


If the duration of your internship is more than 2 months, and if your internship takes place in the frame of an internship agreement from the University of Lille, you can claim a remuneration according to the French regulations. The hourly rate corresponds to a minimum of 15% of the Social Security ceiling.

Prepare your mobility

For any details regarding the preparation of your stay, please visit our webpage Procedures and pratical information.